Diagnosing constipation. Am I constipated?
If you think you have constipation, then you might consider taking a trip to your doctor. Constipation cannot just be concluded by anyone, it requires a thorough history and physical examination....
View ArticleWhat is constipation? Am I constipated?
Constipation is a big thing among many other big things. Confusing? To put it simply, YES! It is not a simple absence of defecation for a period of time. It can mean a decrease in the frequency of...
View ArticleWhat causes constipation?
Defining constipation is simply one of the hardest things to do. Constipation is usually referred to as abnormally prolonged retention of fecal matter. Note, it is not a disease; it is a symptom. It...
View ArticleConstipation and nutrition. Foods that cause constipation
Are you eating the right foods and involved in the right diet? Constipation can be merely a break in the balance of foods which can cause it, and foods that can prevent it. The typical diet nowadays...
View ArticleConstipation and nutrition. Foods that can prevent constipation.
Are you eating the right foods and involved in the right diet? Constipation can be merely a break in the balance of foods which can cause it, and foods that can prevent it. The typical American diet...
View ArticleDehydration and constipation
Do you know that our bodies are 90% water? Thus, our bodies are also capable of either losing or retaining water, to keep our internal temperature within the normal range. Excessive water loss which...
View ArticleConstipation in infants and children
Have you ever heard your child complain of constipation? No. Most children are too busy playing and they hardly notice whether they have already taken a trip to the toilet or not! Therefore all...
View ArticleConstipation remedies and colon cleanse
Do you know that colon cleansing was practiced since then by the Greeks and Romans? Even in the ancient times, constipation has already been regarded a considerable amount of concern, thus, the...
View ArticleIs there a link between genetics and constipation?
Genetics accounts for the way our body processes go, the details of our face, our cheekbones, our skin, our legs – everything we have in our body! Hence, genetics will also dictate which diseases are...
View ArticleDrugs, medications that may cause constipation
Are you too dependent on drugs for cases such as a harmless headache? Ooops. Among the many causes of constipation, drugs are the most prominent. Changes in bowel movements are among the most frequent...
View ArticleAcute paralytic ileus and its clinical implications.
Do you know what it means to be paralyzed? Picture it out, then picture it again this time involving your colon. Now you have an idea what acute paralytic ileus is supposed to mean. In this condition,...
View ArticleWhat causes colon cancer? Colon cancer prevention.
Cancer is always bad news. Which is why, constipation should always involve ruling out the possibility of colon cancer, currently the second leading cause of mortality due to malignancy in many...
View ArticleWhat is diverticulitis (also designated as diverticular disease)?
Have you ever pictured out what happens when your colon takes on a weird shape? If that occurs, then everything that passes through your colon becomes caught up in some kind of “traffic”. That is what...
View ArticleA hemorrhoid
A hemorrhoid is actually a network of blood vessels that has the purpose of normalizing blood flow. But do you know that our lifestyle could result to damage to these “network”?
View ArticleInflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Never take constipation lightly. Have you heard of inflammatory bowel disease? It is one of the many conditions that could highly predispose to colon cancer. Inflammatory bowel disease is either of...
View ArticleUlcerative colitis
Never take constipation lightly. Have you heard of inflammatory bowel disease? It is one of the many conditions that could highly predispose to colon cancer. Inflammatory bowel disease is either of...
View ArticleCrohn’s disease
Never take constipation lightly. Have you heard of inflammatory bowel disease? It is one of the many conditions that could highly predispose to colon cancer. Inflammatory bowel disease is either of...
View ArticleIrritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
The irritable bowel syndrome is a very common condition but it is among the least understood. Although constipation does not singly characterize the disease, it is part of its most common presenting...
View ArticleThe mechanism of defecation. How defecation really works?
How do we get these wastes out? Have you ever wondered why we suddenly feel like defecating? To start with, defecation is an organized event mediated by neural influences. Do you know that rectal...
View ArticleDepression, stress and constipation: How are they related?
Often we forget the huge effect of our mind on our body. Sometimes, even though we do not actually have the disease, we show symptoms relating to it all because we believe we do. However, in the case...
View ArticleParasite infestation - Cysticercosis
Some pictures with worm-infested brains are actually real! Ingestion of human feces contaminated with tapeworm cysts is one of the points of entry of these parasites into the human body. However, some...
View ArticleParasite infestation - Echinococcocis
Is your dog safe? Alarming news: canines can serve as vectors for disease. Tapeworms that most canines have can infect humans, and can do so through simple ingestion of tapeworm eggs. Following...
View ArticleParasite infestation - Noninvasive tapeworms
You might need to get out from a comfort zone. Reality check: do you know why adults should have antihelminthic treatment every now and then? Introducing: the beef tapeworm (Taenia saginata), the pork...
View ArticleParasite infestation - Ascariasis
Can you remember a worm-free childhood? The worm A. lumbricoides lays highly durable eggs that can withstand intense temperatures, which accounts for its high incidence among children. Migration of...
View ArticleChaga's disease - Parasitic infestations in the gastrointestinal tract.
Sometimes, we just love to eat. Regardless of how it is prepared, especially when we are so starved, we eat just about anything. That is what makes the gastrointestinal tract is a highly susceptible...
View ArticleGiardiasis - Parasitic infestations in the gastrointestinal tract
Sometimes, we just love to eat. Regardless of how it is prepared, especially when we are so starved, we eat just about anything. That is what makes the gastrointestinal tract is a highly susceptible...
View ArticleGenetically modified foods and the gastrointestinal tract - Increased blood...
Familiar with the GMOs? They are amazingly everywhere. Come to think of it: have you paused for a while lately and asked yourself if what you are eating are NATURAL vegetables? According to some...
View ArticleGenetically modified foods and food allergies, antibiotic resistance in the gut
Familiar with the GMOs? They are amazingly everywhere. Come to think of it: have you paused for a while lately and asked yourself if what you are eating are NATURAL vegetables? According to some...
View ArticleConstipation interventions vs prevention
Our problem? We take prevention for granted. Prevention is always better than getting the best and most expensive cures. Regardless of how advanced medicine is today, we ought to realize that...
View ArticleConstipation and Enteric or typhoid fever
And all the while you thought all you had was a simple bacterial infection! Beware. Salmonella is a virulent organism that can precipitate symptoms within a day to one or two weeks. One of the...
View ArticlePeptic ulcer disease: Duodenal ulcers
“Ulcer” is a much abused term. Sometimes a simple hyperacidity can actually be peptic ulcer. Both are quite similar since they present with agonizing abdominal pain, but beware! Peptic ulcer disease...
View ArticlePeptic ulcer disease: Gastric ulcers
“Ulcer” is a much abused term. Sometimes a simple hyperacidity can actually be peptic ulcer. Both are quite similar since they present with agonizing abdominal pain, but beware! Peptic ulcer disease...
View ArticleHuman digestive system. How it works?
How well do you know your digestive system? The human digestive system is a tremendous machinery that works best under when taken care of. In it occurs the mechanical breakdown of food from large bits...
View ArticleA must-read on laxatives: Beneficial or disadvantageous? Bulk-forming...
The word constipation is inevitably linked to the word “laxative”. Laxatives are formulated as quick remedies for constipation. Most of these eventually come up on a person’s desk even without a...
View ArticleStomachache: Why?
It can be steady, it can be radiating. It can be simply indescribable. Stomachaches can be caused by a lot of things: a bacterial or viral infection, a mechanical obstruction, abnormalities in the...
View ArticleNatural constipation remedies. Everything about constipation!
Do not be mistaken by separating constipation from the hardness of the fecal matter along with it, and the difficulty encountered during the defecation process. Natural constipation remedies....
View ArticleEverything about colon and colon health. Natural constipation remedies and...
Useful articles about the colon related to constipation and other gastointestinal topics. Everything about colon and colon health. Natural constipation remedies and advices.
View ArticleInstestinal parasites in the gastrointestinal tract, digestive system.
The typical human lifestyle makes the gastrointestinal tract increasingly susceptible to not just increased populations of microorganisms, but also with parasites. Instestinal parasites in the...
View ArticleDo It Yourself Constipation Remedies at Home
Natural home constipation remedies. Take a look on some basic constipation remedies that can be done straight from your kitchen, or your herbal garden!
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